PS5 Pro Not Compatible with PS5 Slim Face Plates, Sony to Release New Covers for More Powerful Console x

PS5 Pro Is Not Compatible with PS5 Slim Face Plates 1

Update: In a statement issued to our friends at IGN, Sony has officially confirmed existing PS5 Slim covers will not fit the PS5 Pro console.

A spokesperson said: “PS5 console covers are not compatible with PS5 Pro. However, players will be able to swap out different console covers for PS5 Pro when they become available in the future.”

So, if you already own a set of face plates, then you’ll need to replace them if you want to attach them to Sony’s new system.

Original Story: There’s been a lot of confusion about PS5 Pro and whether you’ll be able to attach existing PS5 Slim face plates, like the gorgeous pearlescent chroma collection which is coming soon. An Amazon Japan infographic said these wouldn’t be compatible, but Sony’s own wording appeared to suggest this information was incorrect.

For example, in the PS Blog announcement post for the PS5 Pro, co-CEO Hideaki Nishino said: “Players can add an Ultra HD Blu-ray Disc Drive, or swap out console covers when they become available.” This suggested to us it’d support the existing face plates, but in hindsight it now seems like the new console will be getting its own range.

That’s because one Reddit user managed to get their hands on the PS5 Pro early and test things out. While the bottom covers do fit, the top plates have their connecting teeth in a slightly different position, and thus aren’t compatible with the supercharged system. Please keep this in mind before you potentially spend any money on the chroma covers, or any others.

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